Welcome to Invergowrie Primary School
We would like to welcome you to our website. We actively encourage the involvement of our parents and community partners in the life of the school. We promote an ethos of love, respect, and achievement, inspiring all learners to do the best they can.
We currently have 7 primary classes and a nursery class. We moved into our new building in October 2013 and final work was completed in May 2014. Our new excellent facilities provide a bright and inspiring learning environment for everyone.
Invergowrie Primary School is the first in Perth & Kinross to feature an extensive green roof which hosts a variety of flora and fauna to support the biodiversity of the site. We are all delighted to be finally all under one roof!
We have received our 6th Eco Schools Green flag which is a great achievement, here are a few of the comments from the assessors:
- You have thoroughly integrated the Eco Schools’ Programme into Invergowrie Primary’s curriculum and calendar
- You have shared good practice with other schools internationally via your participation in the Comenius project. Great work everyone.
- Your pupils are truly responsible, global citizens
- Well-deserved congratulations on an amazing team effort.
More recently we are thrilled to have received our Digital Schools Award. Both staff and pupils were given encouraging feedback:
- Digital education is fully embedded across the whole school
- Powerful examples of how the use of technology is supporting teaching and learning, building relationships, supporting pupils independent learning, building confidence and communication
- Very Inspirational
Well done to everyone on this achievement!